Per FantasyTrivia's
Terms and Conditions (also referred to as Terms of Use) FantasyTrivia is a Trivia Platform primarily meant for entertainment and as such may have some Trivia Questions and/or Trivia Question Challenges (ie. contests) that have debatable correct answers.
FantasyTrivia reserves the right to review and address such cases at its sole discretion and availability.
If you're a paying, monthly member (including Pay-As-You-Go Members) then FantasyTrivia guarantees that it will address and review your claim on the same day if it's before 12pm CST and by the end of business the next day if it's after 12pm.
Typically, FantasyTrivia looks to first determine if a Trivia Question has a definitive, provable and/or publicly known correct answer. Then, in cases where this does not seem to be the case, FantasyTrivia will try to ascertain or review proof that supports either the given answer (by the Creator) and/or the disputed answer - provided by the Member making the claim.
In all cases and situations, it is required that you provide FantasyTrivia with whatever proof of your claim that you have for any such review process to even begin. This can be links to established and legitimate websites, articles, images, video, etc.